
Red-MR-Wan Chi

Venue: RED MR Celebrity Party-Wan Chai Store | Accessibility category: Karaoke | Accessibility: RED MR Celebrity Party-We do not yet have the details

Accessibility Index
Attractions Evaluation


The purpose of the RedMR Red Man Party is to "rewrite the trend", to set a new interpretation for the development of Hong Kong KTV, to be at the forefront of the trend, and to bring a number of incomparable exclusive new experiences. The Wan Chai store has a variety of themed rooms and an electronic ordering system

RED MR Red Man Party-We do not yet have the details of the barrier-free facilities for this attraction. You are welcome to follow the template and email the relevant information to [email protected] so that we can supplement this part of the information.

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Relevant information

Address : 5 Tonnochy Road, Wan Chai

Enquiries : 3125-3125

Website :

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Traffic Information

Meeting Facilities
MTR Wan Chai Station Exit A1

Meeting Facilities


- RED MR Red Man Party-The main entrance of the Wan Chai store is located at No. 5 Tonnochy Road, Wan Chai. The entrance is equipped with a first-class wheelchair, which is difficult for people to get on and off.

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-We do not yet have the details of the barrier-free facilities of this attraction. You are welcome to follow the template and email the relevant information to [email protected] so that we can supplement this part of the information.

(Please click here to download the relevant template.)


-We do not yet have the details of the barrier-free facilities of this attraction. You are welcome to follow the template and email the relevant information to [email protected] so that we can supplement this part of the information.

(Please click here to download the relevant template.)


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