
Hung Shing Yeh Beach

Location: Hung Shing Yeh Beach | Accessibility category: Beach | Accessibility information: Hung Shing Yeh Beach

Accessibility Index
Attractions Evaluation
The entrance is equipped with an automatic door or no door, and it is wide and suitable for wheelchairs to enter and leave alone
The passage is generally flat and wide or has a ramp, but some of it may require assistance from others
There is no need or a wide drop lift to reach all floors, wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility can use them alone
General parking spaces are provided, and the aisles in the drop-off parking area are wide and convenient for wheelchair users.
There are gender-free toilets, which may require assistance from others before use
The attitude of the staff is acceptable and can provide basic services for wheelchairs/persons with reduced mobility
The space channel is generally wide and flat, wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility may require assistance from others

suitable category

  • Physical Disability
  • Electric wheelchair
  • Wheelchair companion
  • Elderly
  • Pregnant woman
  • Family family
  • Couple
  • Photoman


Hung Shing Yeh Beach is a well-known beach on Lamma Island. The water is clear and the sand is fine. Many tourists and residents of the island love to come to swim and sunbathe. The beach is about 15-20 minutes’ walk from Yung Shue Wan Pier and is managed by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department. Beach facilities include barbecue areas, changing rooms, showers and toilets. Beach lifeguards are on duty from April to October in summer.

Accessibility description

Hung Shing Yeh Beach has a small number of barrier-free facilities, including passages, accessible toilets, etc. The design is generally suitable for the needs of wheelchairs/persons with reduced mobility. Most of the locations are designed with wide aisles, and some locations, such as accessible toilets, are also equipped with ramps to facilitate access for wheelchair users.

 FG Tips

Hung Shing Yeh Bay on Lamma Island has beautiful scenery. Because it is located on an outlying island, it is recommended to go with a wheelchair and family or friends.

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Relevant information

Address : Yung Shue Wan, Lamma Island, Outlying Islands

Enquiries : 2982-0352

Website :

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Traffic Information

Accessibility Index
- Only a small number of bus routes can be reached or it takes more than 20 minutes to walk to get off the subway
Meeting Facilities
From MTR Hong Kong Station to Central Pier 4, take a ferry to Yung Shue Wan. The boat ride takes about 30 minutes. From Yung Shue Wan Pier, walk for 30 minutes to Hung Shing Yeh Beach along the Family Path.

Meeting Facilities


- The passages near the entrances and exits of Central Ferry Pier and Yung Shue Wan Ferry Pier are generally wide
- Both the Central Ferry Pier and Yung Shue Wan Pier are equipped with access gates. Wheelchair users can ask staff to assist in opening special passages
- The passage at Yung Shue Wan Pier is generally wide and suitable for people with wheelchairs/handicapped
- Go to Hung Shing Yeh Bay via Yung Shue Wan Main Street. The road is generally wide and flat, and some of the passages are ramps. The journey takes about 30 minutes, but the road is generally suitable for wheelchairs/persons with reduced mobility

Channel Design

- Most places near the beach are designed with wide passages, which are generally suitable for wheelchairs/handicapped persons to enter and exit

- There is a barbecue site at the beach, and the passage along the road is generally wide


- There are accessible toilets in the Central Pier
- The public toilets on Yung Shue Wan Main Street are equipped with accessible toilets
- The accessible toilets at the beach are located near the changing rooms and there are ramps at the entrances and exits of the toilets


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