The accessibility index and the following 9 access icons designed in consultation with wheelchair users are used on the FG website to indicate the important information needed, so that wheelchairs/persons with mobility impairments can make better and comprehensive preparations before going out.
Our accessibility specialists will give places or services appropriate icons after personal visits to ensure their availability and accuracy.
You can find detailed information about each access icon below. If you want to know more or have any questions about the evaluation, please email to or call 3468-3456 for inquiries.
Accessibility Index
Wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility can visit alone / use services without assistance from others
Wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility can generally visit / use services alone, but some may require assistance from others
Wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility are recommended to tour / use services accompanied by others
Wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility have difficulty visiting / using services even when accompanied by others
Wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility are not recommended to live in and visit / use services
Accessibility Index
Located near a subway station and a transportation hub
There are a lot of bus routes to reach
Only a small number of bus routes can be reached or it takes more than 20 minutes to walk to get off the subway
Walk more than 20 minutes to get off the bus and need assistance from an escort
Away from the city, you can only take a taxi, rent a car or travel by car
FG Icon
Entrance and Exit
The entrance is equipped with an automatic door or no door, and it is wide and suitable for wheelchairs to enter and leave alone
The entrance and exit are equipped with manual doors, and the width is roughly suitable for wheelchairs to pass through, some of which may require assistance from others
The entrance and exit are equipped with manual doors, or there are steps, or the width is not suitable, wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility must be assisted by others
The entrance and exit are equipped with multiple manual doors, or there are a large number of steps, or the width is completely unsuitable, and it is extremely difficult for wheelchairs/persons with reduced mobility to pass through
Channel level design
The aisle is flat and wide or has a ramp, wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility can enter and leave alone
The passage is generally flat and wide or has a ramp, but some of it may require assistance from others
The passage is high or low or has a few steps, wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility must be assisted by others
The passage is rugged or has a large number of steps, making it extremely difficult for wheelchairs/persons with limited mobility to pass
There is a special location for the disabled or a wide passage, wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility can use them alone
The space channel is generally wide and flat, wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility may require assistance from others
Space channels are narrow, wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility must assist others
The space channel is extremely narrow and dangerous, making it difficult for wheelchairs/persons with limited mobility to move around
There is no need or a wide drop lift to reach all floors, wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility can use them alone
There is a basic lift, you may need assistance from others when using it
There is a basic lift or some floors cannot be reached, wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility must assist others
There is no elevator to go to other floors
Toilet for the disabled
There is an accessible toilet, wheelchair/person with reduced mobility can use it alone
There are gender-free toilets, which may require assistance from others before use
There are ordinary toilets, wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility must be assisted by others
Wheelchair parking location
Special parking spaces for the disabled are available, wheelchairs/persons with reduced mobility can use them alone
General parking spaces are provided, and the aisles in the drop-off parking area are wide and convenient for wheelchair users.
General parking spaces are available, wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility must be assisted by others
Employee Friendliness
The staff are kind and courteous, and can provide help and assistance for wheelchairs/persons with disabilities
The staff is friendly and courteous, and can provide consulting services for wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility
The attitude of the staff is acceptable and can provide basic services for wheelchairs/persons with reduced mobility
The attitude of the staff is not friendly
Disabled facilities
Special facilities for wheelchair users are available or can be borrowed
Special facilities for wheelchair users are available or can be borrowed, pre-application is required
There are other alternative facility assistance
Dining table(Only applicable to restaurants)
table for wheelchair users
The table design is suitable for wheelchair users
The dining table has no knee space under the table or the height is not suitable, making it difficult for wheelchair users to use
No dining table or wheelchair users can not use