Organization: Labor Department
The Selective Employment Division provides free open employment and recruitment services for people with disabilities. It is also well-known and has a wide range of services. The service targets of the department include physically disabled, chronically ill, visually impaired, hearing impaired, autistic, intellectually disabled, ex-mentally ill, people with special learning difficulties, and people with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

Service content includes:

Employment counseling and assessment, through counselling and skills testing, will help job seekers understand their own abilities, so as to find suitable market Work required;

job matching and referrals, according to job vacancy requirements, recommend suitable job applicants to employers, and cooperate with both employers and employees Request;

provides follow-up services, and will provide no less than six months of follow-up services for hired disabled employees. Will keep in touch with disabled employees and their employers to understand work progress and other needs, such as assisting disabled employees to apply for rehabilitation bus services

Job applicant process:

Go to the Selective Employment Section to apply for employment services     Employment Assessment and Skills Test (Interview)     Provide professional matching     Provide follow-up services

Hong Kong Office
Address: G/F, East Wing, Harbour Building, 38 Pier Road, Central, Hong Kong (near Sheung Wan MTR station)
Phone: 2852-4801
Fax: 2541-5290

Kowloon Office
Address: G/F, Ngau Tau Kok Government Offices, 21 On Wah Street, Ngau Tau Kok, Kowloon (near Kowloon Bay MTR station)
Phone: 2755-4835
Fax: 2796-0369

New Territories Office
Address: 2nd Floor, Tsuen Wan Government Offices, 38 Sai Lau Kok Road, Tsuen Wan (near Tsuen Wan MTR Station)
Phone: 2417-6190
Fax: 2499-3713

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