Pak Shek Kok Promenade

The Pak Shek Kok Promenade in Ma Liu Shui, Sha Tin connects the cycle track from Sha Tin to Tai Po.

Accessibility Index
Attractions Evaluation
The entrance is equipped with an automatic door or no door, and it is wide and suitable for wheelchairs to enter and leave alone
There is an accessible toilet, wheelchair/person with reduced mobility can use it alone
Special facilities for wheelchair users are available or can be borrowed
The staff are kind and courteous, and can provide help and assistance for wheelchairs/persons with disabilities
There is a special location for the disabled or a wide passage, wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility can use them alone

suitable category

  • Manual wheelchair
  • Electric wheelchair
  • Visually impaired people
  • Elderly
  • Couple
  • Photoman

Local Facilities

  •   BabyRoom
  •   Touch Map
  •   Bus reachable (within 15 minutes walk)


The Pak Shek Kok Promenade in Ma Liu Shui, Sha Tin connects the cycle track from Sha Tin to Tai Po. The southern and northern sections of the promenade are in service.
The length of the promenade is super-wide, with an open coastal walkway. It is one of the most popular cycling trails in Hong Kong. Visitors along the road can enjoy the panoramic sea view of Tolo Harbour, and the view from Ma On Shan to Pat Sin Leng in the distance. There are 3 observation decks and 1 south plaza in the promenade. In addition, there are different facilities, such as outdoor cafes, snack kiosks, and public toilets, which are convenient for tourists.

Accessibility description

There are multiple barrier-free facilities, including entrances and exits, passages, accessible toilets, nurseries and tactile guide paths, etc. The design fully considers the needs of wheelchairs/persons with reduced mobility, and most uneven places are equipped with ramps. The ramp is relatively flat, so wheelchair users can easily get on and off.

Photo album

Relevant information

Address : Science Park Road, Pak Shek Kok, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong

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Traffic Information

Accessibility Index
- There are a lot of bus routes to reach
Meeting Facilities
Take the 272K bus from MTR University Station to and from the Science Park.

Meeting Facilities


The entrance of Pak Shek Kok Promenade Park is close to the entrance of Providence Bay. The entrance is flat and wide, which is suitable for wheelchairs and people with reduced mobility.

Channel design

Most of the passages in the Pak Shek Kok Waterfront Promenade Park are still broadly designed and are generally suitable for wheelchair users.


Equipped with 1 accessible toilet and baby-care equipment


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1 2 3 4 5
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