Direction Association for the Handicapped
Direction Association for the Handicapped
Lu Xiang is Hong Kong's first non-profit self-help organization that mainly serves the physically handicapped. In 1986, the founders met a group of disabled people who had no family or friends to visit. Their needs are ignored by the relevant authorit

Registered as a non-profit organization in 1991. It was funded by The Community Chest of Hong Kong in 1994, and was renamed the "Road to the Disabled People's Association" in 1995.

Purpose 1. Mainly serve people with limbs and disabilities

2. Give full play to the spirit of mutual assistance among members 3.

Assist persons with limbs to develop their potential 4. Strive for the rights and social status of persons with limbs and disabilities 1. Hong Kong's first major service for persons with limbs and disabilities Registered non-profit organization 2. Members of the executive committee and each group are volunteers to participate in the membership 3. Through active life lectures in the community, people with limbs and disabilities can contribute to the society, thereby creating a more equal and harmonious society 4 .

Invite members with limbs to visit old and new patients with limbs, and encourage them to cheer up and live a positive life with personal experience. 5. Emergency wheelchair repairs and provide home improvement advice services. 6. Develop the potential of limbs with disabilities and start a program that suits them. To encourage them to participate in planning activities and conference development

Recommend activity

2017-09-10 (Sun)
2017 賣旗嘉許禮暨親愛表揚及會員大會
2017-08-13 (Sun)
2016-07-02 (Sat)
2016-06-26 (Sun)
2016-05-29 (Sun)
2016-03-20 (Sun)
Running Chair都市歷奇運動會
2016-03-06 (Sun)

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Contact us:
Room 3, Terrace, Kin Ming Estate, Tiu Keng Leng Shopping Centre (Extension), Tseung Kwan O
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