Wheel Power Challenge
Wheel Power Challenge
The co-founders of Wheel Power Challenge come from all walks of life, but share a common vision-to jointly create a compassionate and barrier-free Hong Kong society. We believe that experiential courses can challenge our stereotypes and appreciate.

Inject the "WheelPower rolling power" flow into the society:
WheelPower = (experience + exploration + hug) x empathy
Experience the characteristic lifestyle of our community;
Explore the environmental design of our society;
Embrace the inner beauty of our diversity.

Since its establishment, we have organized more than 50 experience projects involving more than 1,000 participants to promote social inclusion and barrier-free society. We cooperate with many organizations (such as educational institutions, companies and NGOs) to develop experiential courses or share the concepts of "accessible society", "accessibility" and "social inclusion".

Recommend activity

2020-07-18 (Sat)
滾動落海 - 沙灘輪椅租用計劃 Wheel To Beach - Beach Wheelchair Rental Program
2019-07-14 (Sun)
「輪到海灘 滾動落海」
2019-07-09 (Tue)
「輪到海灘 滾動落海」
2019-07-07 (Sun)
「輪到海灘 滾動落海」
2019-07-01 (Mon)
「輪到海灘 滾動落海」 淺水灣海灘 Wheel Power Challenge
2019-06-29 (Sat)
「輪到海灘 滾動落海」
2019-06-26 (Wed)
「輪到海灘 滾動落海」

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