Help amputees step out of society and out of the world Amputees have certain limitations in their lives. In this most helpless and painful stage, the association hopes to provide assistance to the amputees at the following different stages.

-Rehabilitation period (just amputation, recovering in hospital)
-Probation period (wound healed, start to make prosthetic cavity and try on the prosthesis)

  -Adaptation period (use prosthetic limbs, adapt to the coordination of body and prosthetic limbs)
  -Training period (exercise residual thigh muscles, learn to use prosthetics)

With the spirit of inclusiveness with the disabled, the Association hopes to provide a support and development platform for amputees to help amputees start again and serve as a bridge for them to return to society.

The Association helps to strengthen the body and mind, so that the amputee can quickly return to a normal life, and help the amputee to start again and rejoin the society.

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Contact us:
Shop Nos. 224 and 225, Floor 2/F, Shek Ho House, Shek Wai Kok Estate, Shek Wai Kok Road, Kwai Chung, Tsuen Wan
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