HKALPS Limited is a registered charitable organization under Section 88 of Inland Revenue Ordinance. HKALPS is formed by a group of professionals including those from Arts sector, Social Enterprise sector and Green sector, who share the vision of creat

The goal is to meet the changing needs of the community in Hong Kong, with the Kwun Tong project (Discovery) as the starting point, and is committed to creating a diversified cultural, leisure and living space for the public to enjoy and improve the community, and provide a barrier-free for the public And assist in the construction of a barrier-free community.

Recommend activity

2018-08-26 (Sun)
【香草冰條工作坊 】(26/8 星期日-親子班)
2018-08-12 (Sun)
VESSEL 社區菜園【食農體驗工作坊:8月種植主題-南瓜】
2018-06-02 (Sat)
2018-05-31 (Thu)
2018-05-27 (Sun)
2018-05-27 (Sun)
2018-05-26 (Sat)
香港生命教育劇場節 《低谷行》社區劇場
2018-05-20 (Sun)
2018-05-13 (Sun)
2018-05-13 (Sun)
【母親節:香草下午茶 x 應用工作坊】

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