
Wong Shek Barbecue Area (Site 1))

Location: Wong Shek Barbecue Area | Accessibility Classification: Barbecue Area | Accessibility Information: Wong Shek Barbecue Area has barrier-free

Accessibility Index
Attractions Evaluation
The entrance and exit are equipped with manual doors, and the width is roughly suitable for wheelchairs to pass through, some of which may require assistance from others
The passage is generally flat and wide or has a ramp, but some of it may require assistance from others
There is a basic lift, you may need assistance from others when using it
There are gender-free toilets, which may require assistance from others before use
Special facilities for wheelchair users are available or can be borrowed, pre-application is required
The space channel is generally wide and flat, wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility may require assistance from others

suitable category

  • Family family
  • Physical Disability
  • Manual wheelchair
  • Wheelchair companion
  • Electric wheelchair
  • Couple
  • Photoman

Local Facilities

  •   Bus reachable (within 15 minutes walk)


The Yellowstone Barbecue Area is located next to the Huangshi Public Wharf. It is about a 5-minute walk from the Huangshi Wharf Bus Terminal. It is managed by the Country Parks and Marine Parks Administration of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department and is suitable for the disabled.

Accessibility description

The Huangshi barbecue area has basic barrier-free facilities, including entrances, passages and accessible toilets. It is designed to take into account the needs of wheelchairs and the disabled. Most of the uneven areas are equipped with ramps, and the ramps are relatively flat. , Wheelchair users can easily get on and off.

 FG Tips

Wong Shek Barbecue Area is close to the bus stop, and the traffic is fairly convenient. Some of the roads are uneven. It is recommended that people in wheelchairs and friends go together.

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Relevant information

Address : Sai Kung

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Traffic Information

Accessibility Index
- Only a small number of bus routes can be reached or it takes more than 20 minutes to walk to get off the subway
1) Wong Shek Pier Bus Terminal
1. Kowloon Bus No. 94 to and from Sai Kung City Centre <> Wong Shek Ferry Bus Terminus

2. The Diamond Hill Station Bus Terminal in Kowloon has Kowloon Bus Line 96R directly to the Wong Shek Ferry Bus Terminal (no holidays)

Meeting Facilities


- There are stone pillars at the entrance of the Huangshi barbecue area, and the road is not level enough for wheelchair users to pass

Channel design

- Most of the passages in the barbecue area are designed with wide and uneven roads, which are generally suitable for wheelchair users


- Wong Shek barbecue area has accessible toilets


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