Location: Former central police station compound | Accessibility Category: Historical Sites | Accessibility Information

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Attractions Evaluation


We do not yet have the details of the barrier-free facilities of this attraction. You are welcome to follow the template and email the relevant information to info@freeguider.com so that we can supplement this part of the information. (Please click here to download the relevant template.)


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特別通告 : 

Address : 10 Hollywood Road, Central, Hong Kong

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Traffic Information

1) Central
Meeting Facilities
From MTR Central Station Exit D1, walk to Wellington Street, then turn to Hollywood Road at Lyndhurst Terrace.

Meeting Facilities


We do not yet have the details of the barrier-free facilities for this attraction. You are welcome to follow the template and email the relevant information to info@freeguider.com so that we can supplement this part of the information.

(Please click here to download the relevant template.)


Channel Design

We do not yet have the details of the barrier-free facilities for this attraction. You are welcome to follow the template and email the relevant information to info@freeguider.com so that we can supplement this part of the information.

(Please click here to download the relevant template.)


We do not yet have the details of the barrier-free facilities for this attraction. You are welcome to follow the template and email the relevant information to info@freeguider.com so that we can supplement this part of the information.

(Please click here to download the relevant template.)


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1 2 3 4 5
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1 2 3 4 5
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