
Kat O

Location: Kat O Island | Accessibility Classification: Outlying Islands | Accessibility Information: There are no barrier-free facilities on Kat O

Accessibility Index
Attractions Evaluation
The entrance is equipped with an automatic door or no door, and it is wide and suitable for wheelchairs to enter and leave alone
The passage is generally flat and wide or has a ramp, but some of it may require assistance from others
There is no need or a wide drop lift to reach all floors, wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility can use them alone
The staff is friendly and courteous, and can provide consulting services for wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility
The space channel is generally wide and flat, wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility may require assistance from others

suitable category

  • Physical Disability
  • Electric wheelchair
  • Wheelchair companion
  • Elderly
  • Pregnant woman
  • Family family
  • Couple
  • Photoman


Kat O is located to the west of Mirs Bay, adjacent to the border of Sha Tau Kok. It is the northernmost island in Hong Kong, and its southeast is Crescent Island and Wong Wan Chau. Because it is located in the Mirs Bay with high waves and high winds, its bay can be used as a natural haven for fishing boats, hence the name Kat O, which means auspicious; on the other hand, because the island is curved, its English name is also called Crooked Island (meaning Kat O). The highest point on the island is Kai Kung Leng, which is 122 meters high in the east of the island, followed by Wong Fong Shan, Chung Wan Peak, Ko Pang Teng, Ko Tei Teng and Wong Kok Teng.

Accessibility description

There are no barrier-free facilities on Kat O, but the design of the local passage is quite wide, which is generally suitable for wheelchair users. There is a ramp leading to Tin Hau Temple, but because there are no barrier-free facilities on the island (such as accessible toilets, etc.), wheelchair users are not recommended to go alone.

 FG Tips

There are no barrier-free facilities on the island, and wheelchair users are not recommended to go alone.

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Relevant information

Address : Kat O

Enquiries : 2679-2812

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Traffic Information

Accessibility Index
- Only a small number of bus routes can be reached or it takes more than 20 minutes to walk to get off the subway
Meeting Facilities
Take a ferry to Ma Liu Shui Pier. Turn left from Exit B of the University Railway Station, go straight along the ramp of Chak Cheung Street, passing the toilets for the disabled, and then passing the flyover and tunnel to the Ma Liu Shui Pier.

Meeting Facilities


- From the ferry to Kat O Pier, the channel design is moderate

Channel Design

- Most of the access roads on Kat O Island are broadly designed and are generally suitable for wheelchair users
- There is a ramp to Tin Hau Temple


- There are no accessible toilets on Kat O Island


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