Chong Yip Shopping

Location: Chong Yip Shopping Centre| Accessibility Category: Shopping Mall | Accessibility Information: Chong Yip Shopping Centre

Accessibility Index
Attractions Evaluation
The entrance and exit are equipped with manual doors, or there are steps, or the width is not suitable, wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility must be assisted by others
The passage is high or low or has a few steps, wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility must be assisted by others
There is no need or a wide drop lift to reach all floors, wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility can use them alone
The attitude of the staff is acceptable and can provide basic services for wheelchairs/persons with reduced mobility
Space channels are narrow, wheelchairs / people with reduced mobility must assist others

suitable category

  • Family family
  • Physical Disability
  • Elderly
  • Couple
  • Pregnant woman

Local Facilities

  •   Available by subway (within 15 minutes walk)
  •   Bus reachable (within 15 minutes walk)


Chong Yip Shopping is a small mall with a lot of people in the area, and there are shops for ordinary life.

Accessibility description

Chong Yip Shopping does not have any barrier-free facilities. The gate has stone steps and there is no elevator on the second floor. It is recommended that people in wheelchairs do not go there.

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Relevant information

Address : Chong Yip Centre, No.402-404 Des Voeux Road West

Enquiries : 2983-7620

Website :

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Traffic Information

Accessibility Index
- There are a lot of bus routes to reach
Meeting Facilities

Meeting Facilities


- 創業商場主要出入口位於德輔道西402至404號,正門出入口設有石級,輪椅人士或需要職員協助


- 創業商場大部份地方尚算通道設計闊落,大致適合輪椅人士出入 
- 上落二樓只有扶手電梯及樓梯
- 所有高低不平的地方不設斜道,輪椅人士未能獨自上落


- 創業商場不設暢通易達洗手間


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1 2 3 4 5
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1 2 3 4 5
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