2021-12-02 (Thu)

讓參加者認識高血脂的病理及掌握改善高血脂的方法,並了解改善血脂的策略。 讓參加者認識高血脂的病理及掌握改善高血脂的方法,並了解改善血脂的策略。......

2021-11-30 (Tue)

1.健康生活習慣評估 2.血壓、脈搏、脂肪測試、體重指標、腰圍及全血脂測試(總膽固醇、高、低密度脂蛋白、三酸甘油脂)、 血糖測試...1.健康生活習慣評估 2.血壓、脈搏、脂肪測試、體重指標、腰圍及全血脂測試(總膽固醇、高、低密度脂蛋白、三酸甘油脂)、 血糖測試 4.健康諮詢及個人跟進。......

2021-11-13 (Sat)

講解心律不正的成因及治療方法‧安裝起搏器或除顫器手術過程及目的‧手術後的護理及起居生活安排‧起搏器或除顫器的保養 講解心律不正的成因及治療方法‧安裝起搏器或除顫器手術過程及目的‧手術後的護理及起居生活安排‧起搏器或除顫器的保養......

2021-11-13 (Sat)


2021-09-30 (Thu)

1. Healthy lifestyle assessment 2. Blood pressure, pulse, fat test, body weight, waist circumference 3. Blood test ~ whole blood lipids (total cholesterol, high and low density lipoproteins,...1. Healthy lifestyle assessment 2. Blood pressure, pulse, fat test, body weight, waist circumference 3. Blood test ~ whole blood lipids (total cholesterol, high and low density lipoproteins, triglycerides, glycosylated hemoglobin, blood sugar, uric acid 4 .Health consultation and personal follow-up.......

2021-09-28 (Tue)

1. Healthy lifestyle assessment 2. Blood pressure, pulse, fat test, body weight, waist circumference 3. Blood test ~ whole blood lipids (total cholesterol, high and low density lipoproteins,...1. Healthy lifestyle assessment 2. Blood pressure, pulse, fat test, body weight, waist circumference 3. Blood test ~ whole blood lipids (total cholesterol, high and low density lipoproteins, triglycerides, glycosylated hemoglobin, blood sugar, uric acid 4 .Health consultation and personal follow-up.......

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